Every Company is Special
Every company is special. Every business works its own way.
In order to make innovation process produce results, it must be properly built and tied to all business processes of the company. How to achieve this? How to light the fire of innovation in the company so that it does not fade with time, but only flared up?
We offer several types of services that can be provided not only within the framework of work on our platforms, but also separately.
Innovative Audit
We propose to carry out a research of your company for the effectiveness of the innovation work. Under this approach, a detailed analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of processes related to innovation and new ideas/knowledge, examines the effectiveness of communication between the participants in the company, studied the mechanism of introduction of innovations and assessed the impact.
As a result, based on the audit findings, specific proposals are formed for the necessary changes in the processes, methods and KPIs are proposed for monitoring the entire innovation chain from the moment of setting the task and collecting proposals to their implementation and evaluating the effect obtained.
Innovation Outsourcing
This service has no analogues and is caused by a problem that we sometimes face: the absence of a person in the company who would be professionally engaged in working with innovations, as well as the formation of conditions for their implementation, directly implementation and transfer to the project format. Furthemore, for a long-term innovation process, the presence of such a person is necessary if the company wants to receive a constant return on the ideas found.
In the case where abovementioned employee/employees with the relevant competencies are absent or none of the authorized persons is able to give this process enough time and effort, we offer outsourcing of work with ideas and innovation, when we, within your business processes, provide a full range of ideas: we support the interest and motivation of the personnel act as a link between the management of the company and the selected solutions, form project teams from the participants of the innovation process, support their implementation, evaluate the result, etc.