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Crowdsourced Recruiting

Carrying out crowdsourcing projects on the BrainForce or FuturUS platform is, first of all, working with people. In the process of step by step implementation of tasks on search of ideas and innovations or the solution of tasks we collect a lot of information about the participant, both formalized (ratings, achievements, etc.) and non-formalized (the quality of proposals, the depth of study of the topic, the ability to work with other people's content, etc.). But the most important thing is that we find new "stars" among the participants, reveal their hidden competencies, which colleagues did not even guess, give everyone the opportunity to express themselves in equal conditions. Therefore, our projects are used as a completely new approach in the field of personnel policy.

Staff Evaluation Using Crowdsourced Recruiting

Each company in the framework of its personnel policy faces the problem of objective evaluation of its employees.

Involving people into an internal crowdsourcing project, we combine participants around a topic common to the whole company, and in an anonymous mode we launch a phased work with the problems. As a result, by the end of the project, the following HR tasks are solved:

  1. Objective formal and informal information is collected about each participant
  2. Regardless of the current level, the most promising employees are allocated;
  3. Hidden abilities of employees regardless of their current duties are revealed
  4. A comprehensive and objective assessment of key personnel is carried out

It is not out of place to highlight that all this does not happen in the framework of an abstract approach, but in the framework of working on a real business-relevant task.

Following the results of the crowdsourced recruiting project the personnel reserve of the organization is formed and the corresponding administrative decisions are made.


Traditional methods of recruiting have their weaknesses, such as the need to view and interview a large number of candidates. In addition, when employing a person relying solely on his CV and the impression made, there is no guarantee that after the probation period you will not have to break off your employment relationship with him, and this is an additional loss of not only money but also time.

Recruitment through open-ended crowdsourcing projects (crowdrecruiting) involves an alternative approach, where candidates show their potential and experience within the framework of solving a specific industry task/case. In this case, there is a so called "Wikipedia effect", when people join the project not only for the sake of material motivation, but also out of interest to participate in activities relevant to their experience and knowledge, with other specialists of their profile.

Projects of this type are effective in the following cases:

  1. Recruitment of several employees from a certain area (for example, the formation of a department)
  2. Permanent recruitment of employees for a certain position
  3. The need to check candidates “in action" prior to employment
  4. Complex requirements to the candidate

The recruitment program for young specialists

Engaging of students and graduates is not easy, when each of the talented students is “hunted" almost from the first year. The most proven way to interest young people is to involve them in an exciting game that would be associated with the activities of the company and would give the opportunity to receive an offer from an employer.

In part, such projects exist in the form of "case studies", but this approach is usually very limited. It does not allow participants to fully interact in an online environment, the work is obtained by correspondence and individualized, which does not give confidence in the result and does not allow to evaluate different aspects of a person, such as his activity, ability to work with other participants to improve other people's decisions, etc. Offline events partially solve this problem, but they are difficult and expensive to conduct, besides it limits the flow of personnel from the regions.

Collective Intelligence Systems has developed the crowdrecruiting technology-based methodology of projects to attract young professionals to its technology platform, that enables at a lower time and material costs to comprehensively assess young candidates and highlight a group that makes sense to make the offer of employment. This format does not depend on the location of the candidate and allows you to find and select young professionals fully online. Moreover, such projects do not do without PR and media attention, which allows the company to strengthen its reputation and declare itself as innovative and focused on the younger generation.

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