+7 (499) 391-39-48

Integration of the platform for continuous innovation within the Corporation


The integration of a permanent platform provides:

  1. Association of employees of different enterprises to solve system problems by crowdsourcing
  2. Continuous flow of ideas and innovations within the state Corporation
  3. Ability to solve local problems within enterprises
  4. Handing out the best practices among enterprises
  5. Identification of the most interested employees and formation of personnel reserve on the basis of the carried out projects
  6. Increase employee involvement in the employer's brand, familiarizing them with the problems of the industry

Time frame:

December 2016 - February 2017


For the Roscosmos State Corporation the crowdsourcing platform was refined and stylized, after which it was successfully implemented for use within the Corporation on a permanent basis.The platform is designed for employees and adapted for both internal idea/innovation projects and staff engagement and evaluation projects.The Roscosmos enterprises can both solve their own problems with their audience and take part in corporate projects.

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